Emergency Support:

Are you or someone you know in crisis? If you are concerned that you are at immediate risk of harm, please first call for emergency help before considering therapy. I do not offer crisis counselling or emergency services. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis , please call Samaritans on 116 123 for immediate telephone support. It is free and available 24 hours a day. If you are in an emergency, please call 911 or visit the nearest accident & emergency.

Mental Health Contacts:

Samaritans: 116 123 | www.samaritans.org | jo@samaritans.org
HSE Mental Health Services: www.hse.ie
Mind Yourself: www.mindyourself.ie
Pieta House: 1800 247 247 | www.pieta.ie
Jigsaw: www.jigsaw.ie
Jigsaw: www.jigsaw.ie
Connect – Connect is a free phone counselling service for any adult who has experienced abuse, trauma or neglect in childhood. The service is also available to partners or relatives of people with these experiences – www.connectcounselling.ie

Women’s Support Contacts:

Positive Options (Unplanned Pregnancy): www.positiveoptions.ie
Womens Aid:1800 341 900 | www.womensaid.ie
SAFE Ireland (Supporting Women Affected by Violence): www.safeireland.ie

Men’s Support Contacts:

AMEN (Supporting Abused Men): 046 9023 718 www.amen.ie
Mens Aid  01 554 3811  www.mensaid.ie

LGBTQ+ Support Contacts:

LGBT Ireland 1800 929 539 www.lgbt.ie
Dublin Switchboard- free confidential support for questions about sexuality 01 872 1055 www.theswitchboard.ie
Transgender Family Support LineSunday (6pm – 9pm) and Tuesday (10am – 12pm)01 907 3707 E office@teni.ieW www.teni.ie
Outwest Gay Helpline (Thursday 8-10pm) 094 937 2479 E info@outwest.ie W www.outwest.ie

Addiction Support Contacts:

Narcotics Anonymous (NA):01 6728000 | www.na-ireland.org
Gamblers Anonymous (GA):01 872 1133 | www.gamblersanonymous.ie
SMART recovery (All addictions) www.smartrecovery.ie

Other useful contacts:

Citizens Information: www.citizensinformation.ie
Disability Federation: 01 454 7978 | www.disability-federation.ie
Irish Refugee Council: 01 764 5854 | www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie
Age Action: 01 475 6989 | www.ageaction.ie
MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Services: 087 610 72000 | www.mabs.ie/en
The Miscarriage Association of Ireland – http://www.miscarriage.ie
Aware – aware.ie