Relationship challenges

Do you ever feel like you just can’t find the one? Sometimes you think yeah, this is the one, then it falls apart. You can’t believe it, at some point you thought you had found your soul mate and it all came crumbling down.


Are you tiring yourself out with all this searching? What if searching for your ‘problem’ is part of whats holding you back? What if your anxiety could be your superpower?

Trauma & PTSD

Dr Peter Levine describes trauma as ‘ any unresolved autonomic nervous system response. It’s about the nervous system response to an event, not necessarily the event itself’. 

Low self-esteem & confidence

You know that feeling of inadequacy, feeling like you are not good enough?  Perhaps you find yourself plagued with feelings of self-doubt. All that comparison and doubting is exhausting.


Do you ever think that you can carry the world on your own?  Do you sometimes feel you can’t afford to not be there for someone and your whole world revolves around that person?

Depression, low motivation

With all that is happening around us, sometimes it can just be too much for us to handle. Depression is real and you can’t just sit and wait for it to miraculously go away.

Loss & Grief

Losing a loved one is never easy. The bereavement and grieving process is different for everyone. There is no right way for grieving; you may notice feelings of anger, guilt, disbelief and sadness.