Navigating ADHD: My Story of Masking to Vulnerability

Hey there, lovely readers! I’m so glad you’ve stopped by. Today, I want to share a story that might resonate with many of you—especially if you’ve ever felt like you’re bouncing between staying small and oversharing in social situations. As a therapist with ADHD, this...

“Pet Archetypes: Cats, Dogs, & Inner Reflections”

The enduring debate between cat aficionados and dog devotees unveils a compelling facet from the realm of psychology. As a psychotherapist, examining the relationship between humans and their furry companions offers intriguing insights into our psyche, particularly...

How to add play to your wellbeing toolkit

The opposite of play is not work – the opposite of play is depression.” Says Dr. Stuart Brown We have been conditioned to believe that play is exclusively for children. Growing up comes with such ‘serious’ connotations. Play is also essential for...